How it works
Four easy ways to get money back
Get a Cashback reward when you join My Funky Rewards
Welcome Reward
By signing up to My Funky Rewards, you can claim your £ Welcome Reward on the Welcome Reward page and we will automaticaly credit this amount to your Funky Pigeon Prepay Account, this reward can then be used towards your next Funky Pigeon order.
Claim Welcome Reward
Claim Welcome Reward
Shop with any of the retailers in our network and get up to £250 Cashback on your online shopping, every month. Be sure to click directly from our website so that we can track your purchase - we will then calculate how much Cashback you have earned and as soon as your balance reaches £5, we will automatically put the cash back in your bank account.
Start Shopping View shopping activity
Start Shopping View shopping activity
Monthly Bonus
Get an extra Cashback bonus once a month - we will transfer the Cashback to your bank account as soon as you send your proof of purchase.
Claim Monthly Bonus
Claim Monthly Bonus
Gift Cards
Get up to 20% discount on Gift Cards at many top high street brands - every calendar month you may purchase Gift Cards up to a value of £100 from our Top Offers and an additional £100 worth of Gift Cards from the rest of our range.
Shop Gift Cards
Shop Gift Cards
How to get your Cashback
How to claim your £X Monthly Bonus
Browse over 1000 top
UK retailers
UK retailers
Make a purchase with a
My Funky Rewards retailer
My Funky Rewards retailer
Get cashback
on your purchases
on your purchases
Try us
Try My Funky Rewards for 30 days and see how much you can save on your online shopping. If it is not for you, no commitment, cancel at any time.
Direct payment into your bank account
As soon as your balance reaches £5 we will make a direct payment into your bank account, which should appear within 30 days.
Available anywhere
Take My Funky Rewards with you anytime, anywhere. Available on desktop, tablet and mobile.
Hassle-free customer support
Need help? Contact our Customer Service Team by email and phone.
Earn cashback on your shopping today
0800 085 9384
Calls are free from UK landlines and mobiles
8 AM - 8 PM Monday-Friday
9 AM - 4 PM Saturday
Excluding bank holidays
9 AM - 4 PM Saturday
Excluding bank holidays
Earn cashback on your shopping today
Need help? Take a tour
Four easy ways
to get money back
to get money back
Welcome Reward
By signing up to My Funky Rewards, you can claim your £ Welcome Reward on the Welcome Reward page and we will automaticaly credit this amount to your Funky Pigeon Prepay Account, this reward can then be used towards your next Funky Pigeon order.
Claim Welcome Reward
Claim Welcome Reward
Monthly Bonus
Get an extra Cashback bonus once a month - we will transfer the Cashback to your bank account as soon as you send your proof of purchase.
Claim Monthly Bonus
Claim Monthly Bonus
10% Cashback
Shop with any of the retailers in our network and get up to £250 cashback on your online shopping, every month. Be sure to click directly from our website so that we can track your purchase - we will then calculate how much cashback you have earned and as soon as your balance reaches £5, we will automatically put the cash back in your bank account.
Start Shopping View shopping activity
Start Shopping View shopping activity
Gift Cards
Get up to 20% discount on gift cards at many top high street brands - every calendar month you may purchase Gift Cards up to a value of £100 from our Top Offers and an additional £100 worth of Gift Cards from the rest of our range.
Shop Gift Cards
Shop Gift Cards
Try us
Try My Funky Rewards free for 30 days, and see how much you can save on your online shopping. If it is not for you, no commitment, cancel at any time.
Direct payment into your bank account
As soon as your balance reaches £5 we will make a direct payment into your bank account, which should appear within 30 days.
Available anywhere
Take My Funky Rewards with you anytime, anywhere. Available on desktop, tablet and mobile.
Hassle-free support
Need help? Contact our Customer Service Team by email and phone.